A poster for Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Revenge of the Sith

Hello there. Welcome to my web site devoted to covering the third movie in the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Revenge of the Sith is one film in an ongoing movie series known as Star Wars. Revenge of the Sith is the third film out of the series, and by far the best.

Revenge of the Sith is the third, and final movie in a griping three part series. Revenge of the Sith is largely considered to be the best of the three movies, as this work of art brigs viewers everywhere on thrill ride of emotions.

Opening Scene

Episode three wasts no time after the iconic opening crawl, jumping right into the middle of the Battle for Corusant. Where we quickly find our main protagonists, Obi-Wan Kenibo and Anakin Skywalker who we can see are flying through the breath taking and chaotic battle.

A cool picture from the openig secne of Episode 3, depecting Victory Class battle crusiers.

We soon find out that our protagonists are on a mission to save the chancellor from the deadly grasps of General Grievous. Stuff happens and our two protagonists end up on the Separatist's flag ship, the same one where the chancellor is on. With help from Anakin's trusted droid R2-D2, they are able to locate the chancellor who is being held in the bridge.

Obi-Wan and Anakin rush to his rescue only to be found that he is being guarded by the dangerous sith lord Count Dooku, who comes up behind them accompanied by two super battle droids. A battle quickly ensues. Blows are traded, parried and blocked between the three highly trained warriors. Eventually Dooku manages to get in a force push on Obi-Wan who is incapacitated, and trapped under a piece of the walkway. This attack on his master upsets anakin and sends him into a rage, however this only seems to empower Anakin and make him fight even better, so much so that anakin is able to over take dooku.

Obiwan and Anakin Fight Count Dooku

Aankin is able to disarm Dooku, by cutting off his hands, bringing Dooku to his knees.